A few weeks ago, in some ways what seems like an eternity, we were told that we would not be returning to school until April 13th. This past week, we got the unfortunate news that we will not be returning to school until at least the beginning of May. I don't know about the rest of you, but that was a tough day for me. The day I realized that normal is not going to look the same for quite some time.
Since I wrote my blog, Bad Mom; Part I, I've been posting daily updates on my Facebook page. Here are some of my favorites: Bad Mom Daily Update: Day 1. Quote of the day: My daughter, after walking her dog two blocks. “I hate exercise and fresh air. It gives me a headache.” Bad Mom Update: Day 2 Quote of the day: My son: “I’m going to Instagram my other friends and see if anyone else is making their 13-year-old do schoolwork.” Bad Mom Update: Day 4: She knocked a plate off the counter this morning and broke it, pulled me across town on a walk and barked ferociously at me all morning. Yes, you’ve got it. My worst behaved child today is the dog. But somewhere along the strange path we find ourselves on something began to change. Bad Mom Update: Day 7: My daughter and I have a show we’re watching together called Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. While we were watching an episode something bad happened to the main character and my daughter got really upset. I reached over hugged and reassured her with the words “Don’t worry the happy ending is coming.” Maybe that’s what we need to remind ourselves of these days: no matter how bad things seem, the happy ending is coming. Hang in there and have faith! Bad Mom Update: Day 8: The kids and I had a good conversation today about friends at school and what makes a good friend. Then we went for a long bike ride together. Things like this would never have happened on a “normal” day. There's a couple of lessons I've learned in the past couple of weeks. Number One, this strange time we find ourselves in isn't just a time for educating my kids, it's a time to enjoy and embrace them. They are growing up way too fast and this is my chance to hold on to all the moments I have left with them. Number Two, I don't have all the answers as a parent and that's okay. I don't have to. Number Three, I'm not a bad parent, I'm just a parent trying to find my way. For far too long, I've compared myself to other parents trying to play the game of keep up - a game that leaves me feeling breathless, disoriented and completely worn out. These days, I'm learning to give myself grace and trust that God is guiding me as I parent - that he doesn't expect me to parent like everyone else is. He just wants me to do it in a way that is true to the way he's gifted me, created me, blessed me. I hope you can realize the same about yourself whatever your role in life is right now. You're not like everyone else. You are you. Be true to that. Just keep doing your best, keep moving forward and trust that God is bigger than all your shortcomings and failures. Photo by Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash Comments are closed.